My hope is to set up faith sharing groups that will meet weekly during Lent. You can either meet at Nativity or you and your group can meet at someone’s house. I know we’ve done this with the RENEW experience and I hear it was a great success. So, my hope is that during these weeks of Lent, we will be renewed and come closer together. The most important thing is that the group be consistent and all members must remain faithful to their commitment to meet. Another hope would be that is would stretch us so that we open ourselves to people in the parish whom we may not know very well. Lastly, my hope is that welcome to this group allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to one another. We have all been on a faith journey. The twists and turns, ups and downs, joys and sorrows have been our sacred scripture. God has been walking with us through all of the moments and the fact that we’ve made it to this point is all about God’s grace. Each of our stories is sacred and will inspire others in our group if we have the courage to share them.
Our faith sharing could just be something we tried during Lent 2017 or this can be a powerful encounter with God and one another. We have no idea what God a can do if we’re open to His grace. Let’s allow God to work on all of us this Lenten season!