Today we celebrate our mothers! They are the women who have given us birth or those who have been our teachers or taken care of us when we were sick or been there when we’ve had a problem or made our special meal or dessert on our birthday. Yes, the love of that mother may be all rolled into the woman who gave us birth but it may also have been someone who came into our lives at a crucial moment and wrapped their arms around us and made us feel safe and loved. That seems to be the epitome of what the word “mother” means. It’s that person who stands with arms wide open to love us unconditionally when the rest of our world hasn’t understood us. Yes, mothers are faithful, strong, wise and filled with hope for their children. Their greatest joy is to see us, their children, flourish and they refuse to give up on us until they witness our success!
For those of us whose mothers have gone home to be with the Lord, we know they are still very much in our lives. In the Gospel, today, Jesus says, “in my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” Our mothers watch from their place in Heaven and get things ready for the homecoming when all their children will be home again. And for mothers whose children have life this world too early and they carry within themselves the ache of a shattered hear, we pray for you and with you. There are now words to comfort you but please know that your struggle and pain is not forgotten by God. I suspect there is a special place in Heaven for mothers who have lost their children. I also know that those children will be watching out for you in this life and waiting at the door of paradise to let their mom in.
Mothers of all types, we bless you and thank you for all you’ve done!