This Sunday, August 6, Br. Robert will be ordained to the presbyterate at St. Bonaventure Monastery. We have watched Robert grow in this last year in his preaching abilities from reading his notes at the ambo to feeling comfortable to preach in the midst of the assembly. We have enjoyed his humor and wonderful insights on scripture. Br. Robert has worked hard with our children in preparing them for Confirmation and was tremendous support for the Vacation Bible School this Summer. Hopefully, many of us will be there at St. Bonaventure’s to support Robert in this new chapter of ministry. For those unable to make the Ordination, we ask that you continue to pray for Robert as he takes on new responsibilities as a priest. In this first year, he will assist at the three churches (here at Nativity, St. Charles and St. Ambrose). It will be great to have his help with Masses on the weekend and hopefully that will free me up some weeks to “hang out” with you after the 9:45 Mass! Robert, we are so very grateful to have been with you this year and to look forward to this new year with you.
Today we also celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration. Jesus goes up the mountain with Peter, James and John and is transfigured before their eyes. It’s such a powerful experience of the glory of God, Peter wants to set up tents for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. He wants to hold on to this moment forever but we know that moments of communion and transfiguration are just that, moments, and cannot be planned, contained, explained or held on to. They happen and our hearts are warmed by the glory of God and then they vanish. The only thing to do is be aware of the moments, savor the Divine when we experience it, allow the encounter to change us and hold those moments deep in our hearts to help in those dry days. So, as you go through this week, look for the moments of transfiguration and allow God to dazzle you!